Coffee and Your Teeth

Coffee and Your Teeth

There is no better way to start your day than from a cup of coffee in the morning. According to the National Coffee Association and The Specialty Coffee Association of America, about half of American adults aged 18 years and older drink coffee every day. And an average coffee drinker consumes about 3 cups of coffee per day. A study conducted on roasted beans shows that it helps prevent tooth decay by fighting the bacteria build up in the mouth. 

Unfortunately, it also comes with bad news. While your coffee may give you a boost to jumpstart your day, it can also impact your dental health negatively. 

How coffee affects dental health?

You may be delighted with the news that coffee helps fight the bacteria inside your mouth. However, this only applies to roasted coffees that are free of any additives. So if you love your coffee to be sweet and creamy, then all the health benefits it gives are removed. 

Tannins, a naturally occurring polyphenolic biomolecule commonly present in wines, are also found in coffee. They are responsible for causing the yellow hue or stains on your teeth. Our teeth aren’t entirely smooth and have microscopic ridges where tannins stick when you drink your coffee. And the more coffee you drink, the more tannins will be sticking on your teeth, and the more yellowish your teeth become. 

Coffee is loaded with caffeine, which is why we get a kick of energy after drinking it. However, this is also why some of us may feel a sudden heart race, which may lead to grinding or clenching of teeth when sleeping. 

Furthermore, coffee is also an acidic drink. Consuming it will turn your mouth into a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and increase. Acid is also harmful to your teeth as it can wear down the tooth enamel. When this happens, your teeth will become more vulnerable to tooth decay, tooth sensitivity, and gum infection. 

How can I prevent the adverse effects of coffee?

If you can’t give up your cup of joe, minimize the impact on your dental health. Slowly cut down the number of cups you drink in a day. You might consider having a single cup every morning and replace your next cup with water. This way, you will get the energy boost you needed to start your day. 

Contrary to what most people believe, milk and creamer will not prevent the discoloration of your teeth. Instead, it will only maximize the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Drinking your coffee with a straw is the most effective way to minimize staining on your teeth. 

The latest buzzword in the dental industry today is the use of Zoom teeth whitening or the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed to remove the stain caused by drinking coffee. It is an hour-long procedure that uses 25% hydrogen peroxide and a blue light system to activate hydrogen peroxide and speed up the teeth whitening process. If you have a healthy set of teeth and gums and don’t have any old fillings or restorations, you might just benefit from Zoom teeth whitening. If the stain on your teeth caused by drinking coffee has bothered you, talk to us at New Smiles Dental about Zoom teeth whitening and your other options. 
